Getting Started
Starting a Comparison
You can start comparing by using one of the following methods:
Drag and drop the files or content you'd like to compare onto the dock icon.
Drag and drop the files or content you'd like to compare onto an empty document in Kaleidoscope's main window.
In Kaleidoscope's main window, click the "Add File" toolbar button.
Choose File > Open… to select the files you'd like to compare.
Choose File > Open Recent… to select recently viewed files you'd like to compare again.
Control-click the tab bar in the main window and choose "Open Files in New Tab…".
From the Finder, right-click on any files or folders and select "Open in Kaleidoscope" from the Services menu.
You can also compare text selections using the following methods:
Copy a text selection to the clipboard then choose File > New from Clipboard.
Copy a text selection to the clipboard then click the "Add from Clipboard" button in the Kaleidoscope toolbar.
From most applications, right-click on selected text and select "Compare Text in Kaleidoscope" from the Services menu.
Learn how to speed up your text comparisons using Services.
You can add files or text snippets to an existing comparison by using one of the following methods:
Drag and drop files or content directly onto the existing comparison in the Kaleidoscope window.
Click the Add File or Add from Clipboard button in the toolbar.
Left-click the tab for the comparison and choose "Add Files…" from the pop-up menu.
Choose Edit > Paste as File to paste text from the clipboard into the selected text comparison.
Kaleidoscope also offers more advanced methods to begin file comparisons, which can be used to integrate with your existing tools.
To view Kaleidoscope's integration options.